Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thanksgiving Festival: an example of reunion and sharing.

It is an outcome of a moral value and gratefulness to give "thanks" while something is received from someone. In general the meaning of thanks is "gratefulness or expressing gratitude." However, many people throughout the world are not used to give thanks to each other, even to God when get any help. But in many countries throughout the world people think that giving thanks is kind of gentleness or it is a kind of moral value in human being.
In the biblical context we find that when God saved Noah's and his family's life from the flood, then at first Noah and his family gave thanks to God and were grateful to God saving all their families (Genesis: 7). Thanksgiving is more deeply reflected in the Paul’s letter and Timothy's letter to Philippians, "... but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking him with a thankful heart (Philippians 4:6)." Jesus teaching about thanksgiving and praising God showed by His Last Supper (Mark 13:22-23).
In America, it seems that to give thanks to others by receiving something it is one of a gentle cultures and social/moral values. We can say that giving thanks a practice of culture in the American people. But not only that! Thanksgiving one of the biggest festivals in American society. It is a first festival in the United States of America which has been called "Thanksgiving Festival” celebrate on fourth Thursday in November in every year.
In the 16th century while European Pilgrims came to the United States then they started celebrating Thanksgiving festival in New England. In 1621 in New England the Pilgrims who celebrated Thanksgiving festival when they got up their first crops safely and thanking God for everything in the past. They believed that everything comes from God and God is the main source of all these things. God blessed them in the past and bless them in the present. Therefore, it is a moral duty to give thanks to God. In terms of this celebration later on Thanksgiving was the inspirational image of the Pilgrims and the Native Americans sharing their communal meal in harmony. It was a opportunity to build a relationship and cooperation among the Pilgrims and Native Americans.
In the autumn of 1621 Plymouth governor William Bradford invited neighboring Indians to join the Pilgrims for a three day festival of recreation and feasting in gratitude for the bounty of the season. By his influenced, in 1777 the Continental Congress declared the first national American Thanksgiving Festival. In 1863, during the President Abraham Lincoln Thanksgiving festival was celebrating in local level and about the day of this festival to be celebrated was very controversial during that period. However, in 1941 President brought up a bill to the Congress and singed that established the fourth Thursday in November as the national Thanksgiving holiday, which has been ever since. Finally Thanksgiving festival has been celebrating this particular day in New England along with every States in America which is a greatest festival for every single family in America.
In America what a great privilege for multicultural communities to celebrate Thanksgiving festival in the concept of sharing, love, and thanks to God. It is a great reunion day for American. Thanksgiving festival brings deepest coalition, love, and brotherhood among the family members. Avoiding malicious and forgiving all the past family members gather in a family umbrella. The day brings a boundless of joy, love, sharing, happiness, and peace in the family. In this delightful time, celebrating Thanksgiving festival the American people have been leaving an example of coalition, love, unity, and brotherhood for the next generation. Let this celebration bring unity and peace in every family in America and throughout the world.

(Author is a specialist in Educational Admin. & Policy Studies, Int'l Scholar Winner- recognized by the Center for Global Education, the Catholic University of America (CUA), Washington, DC, & Freelance Journalist).
All rights reserved. Copyright © 2010 by Nirmal L. Gomes

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